Sunday, April 3, 2011

Calvin~ 2/4 to 3/4~ 2011

I met this guy during my enjoyment time at the club, @Live, Sunway Pyramid.

When thinking about how we start our conversation, it is really funny because he is trying to find a "un-supportive" reason.

We spend our time together for that few hours and had a great fun with him and his friends.

The first movement he did that really shocked me and thrilled me when he suddenly kissed on my cheek. I thought i was drunk and did not what was exactly happening. There is one moment where he said to me, " There is a smudge on your lips." And when i was trying to wipe it, he suddenly kiss my lips. I was really thrilled!!

He danced with me and shouted together and all that~ He is really caring towards a girl..he will protect me..>~<'' against others "invasion".

When we, my friends and I is about to go home, he offered me a ride. So, since i was really excited in meeting this new guy, I accepted his offer really easily.

Once reached home, he spend his time talking to me and we both asked a lot of questions. Talk and talk till time go pass by. A lot of things, funny things happened in between the times we were together.

But everything change, when he ask me a straight forward question, if we did happened "something".. can i accept it or not.. and he said he do not wish me to get hurt. Well, I understand what he means. Yet, we both do feel like everything indeed moves to fast and a bit out of hand.

Hence, so far..i really still want him as my friend and he felt the same way too. But there is a lot of unanswered question in both our minds that we do not know how to answer it.

Although so...i don't know if i can trust him or not. So it is really frustrating. Of all, the most unforgettable thing is that he has the same birthday as me!! Darn it!!

All i can say now is that i really do miss him cause i can finally felt the caring feeling from a guy towards me and i don't wish to forget most. But, it is something that i may have to let go before i get hurt once more.

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